Upgraded Generic Standards of Behaviour for CSDP Missions and Operations

This document revises and replaces the Generic Standards of Behaviour for ESDP Operations (2005). It addresses i.a. professional integrity, sexual and gender-based discrimination, harassment, and abuse, corruption, and discretion in handling information. The standards apply to both civilian and military CSDP missions and operations’ personnel and are coherent with comparable standards, especially those of the UN.

The document provides guidance to senior management and Heads of Missions and Commanders, and establishes principles for the implementation of the Generic Standards of Behaviour. However, personnel are expected to familiarise themselves with the Generic Standards of Behaviour and other relevant documents such as codes of conduct and discipline.
It establishes 36 standards on various topics, among them the following aspects:

  • Professional integrity;
  • Relations with host population: “In all interaction personnel are expected to behave with tolerance, courtesy and respect for diversity and be sensitive to local traditions, culture and religion.”
  • Professional conduct and behaviour: “The right of all personnel to live and work in an environment free from harassment, abuse, unlawful discrimination, intimidation and bullying must be upheld. This especially includes all forms of sexual abuse and sexual harassment […].”
  • Sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA):“ [...] personnel are prohibited from committing any acts of sexual exploitation and abuse. Personnel are obliged to report any knowledge or suspicion regarding SEA through the established reporting mechanisms.”
  • Trafficking in human beings;
  • Harassment, sexual harassment and gender-based violence;
  • Corruption;
  • Acceptance of gifts, favours and other benefits: “Personnel must decline gifts, favours or honours from governments or any other source outside the mission or operation. Any sum of money must always be refused.”
  • Outside activities and interests;
  • Discretion: “All personnel must observe discretion in all matters of official business of the CSDP mission or operation.”
  • Consumption of alcohol and drugs: “As a rule, personnel will not consume alcoholic beverages while on duty and will not report for, or be on duty, or appear in public in a state of intoxication. [...] This must be particularly well observed where the consumption of alcohol is contrary to the customs or religion of the local population.”
  • Use of mission or operation assets.

The implementation of measures taken to prevent and address misconduct in CSDP missions and operations should be included in the regular reporting requirements of the missions and operations.

Reference: Council of the European Union (2018). Upgraded Generic Standards of Behaviour for CSDP Missions and Operation. 


PDF | 15 pages

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