Field Assessment: Implementing EU Gender Policy in EUPOL COPPS

The report looks closer at what it means to work with gender mainstreaming and gender specific measures in a CSDP mission, in this case EUPOL COPPS. Its analysis and recommendations are preceded by the presentation of the assessment's methodology, which can be a source of inspiration for gender mainstreaming practitioners.

The report formulates twelve recommendations on how to strengthen gender mainstreaming in EUPOL COPPS. They are grouped by four areas: external integration, external participation, internal integration, and internal participation (see methodology framework p.15). This methodology enables to assess gender mainstreaming both in the mandate of the mission and in its daily implementation, and tackles themes such as interactions with women’s organisations, data collection and analysis, or gender-balancing, decision-making and labour roles. The lessons drawn from this report are elaborated and enriched with other assessments in the report "Gender, Peace and Security in the European Union’s Field Missions"

Reference: Olsson L., Sundin, M. (2014), Field Assessment: Implementing EU Gender Policy in EUPOL COPPS, Folke Bernadotte Academy, Stockholm. 


PDF | 48 pages

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