Welcome to the CoE Knowledge Hub!

The Knowledge Hub is your comprehensive pool of resources on civilian crisis management. It offers policy and research papers, analyses, reports, recommendations as well as media files and links to relevant other websites or platforms. The CoE is constantly expanding the scope of resources and welcomes suggestions for inclusion of specific resources through the upload centre.

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    • Training

    EUCTG Strategic Guidance on CSDP Civilian Training

    This note clarifies priorities for the training of professionals directly involved in the CSDP whether in national capitals, missions, operations, or in Brussels.
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    • Civilian CSDP Compact

    The Compact Roadmap: Towards a New Level of Professionalization in Civilian CSDP

    This policy brief by the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) argues that for the political momentum behind the 2018 civilian CSDP Compact not to be lost, tangible results must be produced early on. The brief outlines key milestones that Member States and the EU should achieve until fall 2019 and until summer 2023 respectively.
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    • Career Path Development
    • Strategic Communication
    • Training
    • Women, Peace and Security

    MSB Gender Equality Toolkit: Practical Advice for International Operations

    The toolkit gathers a large amount of tools, checklists and inspiration on how to ensure the integration of gender equality considerations into the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency's (MSB) international operations. It was initially published in 2009 in the form of a "Gender Equality Handbook" meant to support MSB staff in efforts to mainstream gender equality into international operations. The 2019 revision transformed the handbook into a toolkit. While it is still addressed to MSB staff, it offers a wealth of advice for all experts working in civilian CSDP missions as well as in UN or OSCE peace support operations.
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    • Civilian CSDP Compact

    Joint Action Plan Implementing the Civilian CSDP Compact

    The Joint Action Plan (JAP) serves to support the implementation of the 2018 Civilian CSDP Compact on the EU level, by the European External Action Service (EEAS) and Commission services. As such, the JAP is complementary to the Member States’ National Implementation Plans (NIPs).
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    • Evaluation

    CPCC Report on Civilian CSDP Lessons 2018

    This report from CPCC identifies structural issues civilian CSDP missions face, reports on the implementation of solutions and provides best practices in specific cases. It is based on input from missions and CPCC and is divided in lessons on planning, on the conduct of operation, on mission support and on horizontal issues (integrated approach, security, duty of care and more). Each section lists lessons which have been learnt in the first Compact and those that were newly identified.
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    • Knowledge Management

    Facilitating Experience Capitalisation

    This guidebook is about the capitalisation of experience, a process that aims at turning individual experience on the field into practical and shareable knowledge, to increase the impact of a project.
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    • Women, Peace and Security

    Gender Budgeting

    This brief publication from the European Institute for Gender Equality introduces a general audience to the concept of gender budgeting by providing a legal and practical definition, examples and recommendations for implementation and the objective benefits of instituting gender budgeting in public finance. While recognising how needs can vary based on gender and addressing this in the budgeting process, it also increases accountability and transparency in the budgeting process and improves effectiveness by bringing a performance- and results-oriented approach.
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    • Women, Peace and Security

    EU Strategic Approach to Women, Peace and Security (WPS)

    In the Council Conclusions on WPS, the Council recalls the commitments of the European Union and its Member States to the full implementation of the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda and welcomes the EU Strategic Approach to Women, Peace and Security (WPS) as key guiding document.
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    • Civilian CSDP Compact

    2018 Civilian CSDP Compact

    The first Civilian CSDP Compact is a key strategic document aiming to strengthen the civilian dimension of the CSDP. It was signed by EU Member States in 2018 and encompasses 22 political commitments that seek to render civilian CSDP a) more capable; b) more effective, flexible and responsive; and c) more joined up.
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    • Women, Peace and Security

    Civilian Operations Commander Operational Guidelines for Mission Management and Staff on Gender Mainstreaming

    These guidelines aim to operationalise political commitments regarding gender mainstreaming in missions. Designed for CSDP civilian missions management and staff, they focus on integrating the gender dimension into the daily work of the missions.
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