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The Knowledge Hub is your comprehensive pool of resources on civilian crisis management. It offers policy and research papers, analyses, reports, recommendations as well as media files and links to relevant other websites or platforms. The CoE is constantly expanding the scope of resources and welcomes suggestions for inclusion of specific resources through the upload centre.

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    • Civilian CSDP Compact

    The Compact Roadmap: Towards a New Level of Professionalization in Civilian CSDP

    This policy brief by the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) argues that for the political momentum behind the 2018 civilian CSDP Compact not to be lost, tangible results must be produced early on. The brief outlines key milestones that Member States and the EU should achieve until fall 2019 and until summer 2023 respectively.
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    • Strategic Context of Civilian CSDP

    The Civilian CSDP Compact - A Success Story for the EU's Crisis Management Cinderella?

    This policy brief by the European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS), argues that civilian CSDP will need three essential elements to succeed: (1) a renewed and credible strategic framework; (2) adequate operational capabilities; and (3) a solid commitment by relevant stakeholders.
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    • Women, Peace and Security

    Women in the CSDP: Strengthening the EU’s Effectiveness as an International Player

    In the context of the upgrade of the Security and Defense Cooperation in the EU, this article argues that much can be gained by improving the gender balance in CSDP missions and operations.
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    • Women, Peace and Security

    Study: Women in CSDP Missions

    The study, published by the Directorate-General for external policies and requested by the European Parliament's Subcommittee on Security and Defence (SEDE), looks into the policies and issues at the EEAS and in Member States that either support or hinder women’s participation in CSDP missions.
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    • Civilian CSDP Missions
    • Women, Peace and Security

    The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia: Special Annual Report on Gender Mainstreaming (2016)

    This report highlights the efforts made by EUMM Georgia in implementing the EU legal framework regarding gender mainstreaming in missions. Based on the analysis of practices, interviews and statistics between January 2015 and June 2016, it pictures the gender mainstreaming situation in the Mission and suggests steps forward to overcome identified challenges.
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    • Women, Peace and Security

    Report on the Baseline Study on Integrating Human Rights and Gender into the European Union’s CSDP

    The report is a result of a study conducted by the EEAS (Crisis Management and Planning Directorate) aiming towards a more systematic human rights and gender mainstreaming approach in CSDP missions and operations.
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    • Civilian CSDP Missions
    • Women, Peace and Security

    Gender, Peace and Security in the European Union's Field Missions

    This report explores how the EU and EU Member States can act more strategically to reinforce gender mainstreaming, make use of gender specific measures, and increase women’s participation in civilian CSDP missions. Based on an in-depth assessment of two long running missions –EUMM Georgia and EUPOL COPPS – and observations from EULEX Kosovo, the authors present an analysis of the situation and recommendations to strengthen ongoing work.
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    • Civilian CSDP Missions
    • Women, Peace and Security

    Field Assessment: Implementing EU Gender Policy in EUPOL COPPS

    The report looks closer at what it means to work with gender mainstreaming and gender specific measures in a CSDP mission, in this case EUPOL COPPS. Its analysis and recommendations are preceded by the presentation of the assessment's methodology, which can be a source of inspiration for gender mainstreaming practitioners.
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    • Women, Peace and Security

    Lessons and Best Practices of Mainstreaming Human Rights and Gender into CSDP Military Operation and Civilian Missions

    This report comprises lessons on gender and human rights mainstreaming drawn from EU civilian and military crisis management missions and operations. Its lessons and recommendations continue to be relevant despite the report being a decade old.
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