Women in Multilateral Peace Operations in 2022: What is the State of Play?

This infographic looks at the data on women's representation in multilateral peace operations (UN peace operations, EU CSDP missions and operations, and OSCE field operations) over the period 2013-2022. It aims to monitor progress and improve transparency in order to inform the debate on the future of the Women, Peace and Security agenda and refine strategies to address potential gaps.

For each organisation, the same indicators are presented: the percentage of women in leadership positions, the number and proportion of women in missions/operations in general, the number and proportion of women in each mission/operation and the top 10 contributing states by number and percentage of women.

The EEAS Strategy and Action Plan to Enhance Women’s Participation in Civilian CSDP Missions has set a target of at least 40% women as international staff in civilian CSDP missions by 2024. Although the number and proportion of women staff has generally increased, the target is not reached yet in most EU CSDP missions and operations: 4 out of 11 missions have reached the intermediate target of 30% women in their international staff and one has reached the 40% target. In addition, the proportion of women staff in EU CSDP missions and operations is significantly higher in civilian missions (26%) than in military operations (7.7%).

Finally, while there has been an overall increase in women's leadership in all multilateral peace operations, women continue to be particularly under-represented at senior and intermediate levels.

Reference: Dr Pfeifer, C. (2022). Women in Multilateral Peace Operations in 2022: What is the State of Play?, SIPRI, Stockholm.  


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