The CoE team and Director Volker Jacoby warmly welcomed H.E. Mr. Ramūnas Misiulis, Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania in Germany, to the Centre’s premises in Berlin.
The workshop provided a platform for EU Member States to exchange information and views on their respective national approaches to optimise setups for the secondment of personnel outside the public service to civilian CSDP missions.
The European Centre of Excellence for Civilian Crisis Management is celebrating the first anniversary of its official opening in Berlin one year ago today, on 17 September 2020!
The CoE team and Director Volker Jacoby warmly welcomed the Ambassador to the Berlin office space and gave her an overview of the Centre's work and priorities.
Making civilian CSDP more joined up is one of the core aims of the commitments set in the Civilian CSDP Compact to strengthen European civilian crisis management. The workshop brought together a broad range of stakeholders, from all sides of the triangle, to exchange views with a specific focus on boosting cooperation between civilian CSDP and JHA actors at the national level.
The workshop took place on 4 June 2021 and brought together 47 particpants from 19 EU Member States which engaged in inspiring discussions around their frameworks of secondment for civilian CSDP missions.
We talked to Taina Järvinen and Lena Moll, who have conceptualised the CSDP Women's Mentoring Programme, and asked them what the Mentoring Programme is about and why it is so relevant.
The kick-off event was opened by the CoE’s Director Volker Jacoby, who welcomed the fifty participants from nine civilian CSDP missions to their mentoring journey. The first female Deputy Civilian Operations Commander and Chief of Staff Birgit Loeser (CPCC) inspired the participants by sharing personal experiences from throughout her career.
The European Centre of Excellence for Civilian Crisis Management (CoE) is a member-based association located in Berlin. It was established in February 2020 following an invitation to all European Union (EU) Member States by the German Federal Foreign Office.