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  • General Meeting

Third General Meeting of the Members and Preferred Partners of the CoE

Members and preferred partners of the CoE met virtually to discuss the presented CoE Priorities.

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  • Interview

CSDP Women’s Mentoring Programme: Interview with Taina Järvinen and Lena Moll

We talked to Taina Järvinen and Lena Moll, who have conceptualised the CSDP Women's Mentoring Programme, and asked them what the Mentoring Programme is about and why it is so relevant.

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Launch of the CSDP Women’s Mentoring Programme 

The kick-off event was opened by the CoE’s Director Volker Jacoby, who welcomed the fifty participants from nine civilian CSDP missions to their mentoring journey. The first female Deputy Civilian Operations Commander and Chief of Staff Birgit Loeser (CPCC) inspired the participants by sharing personal experiences from throughout her career.

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  • CoE in the world

CoE's First Anniversary

The European Centre of Excellence for Civilian Crisis Management (CoE) is a member-based association located in Berlin. It was established in February 2020 following an invitation to all European Union (EU) Member States by the German Federal Foreign Office.

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  • General Meeting

General Meeting of the Members of the European Centre of Excellence for Civilian Crisis Management

The general meeting took place in the form of a virtual encounter, where the CoE team presented its proposed workplan.

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The Centre of Excellence at the Annual Review Conference

The Security Policy Directors of the EU Member States and the EU as well as other interested parties services virtually met on 23 November for the second Annual Review Conference (ARC) on the Civilian Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) Compact. The Centre of Excellence (CoE) was honoured to participate in the conference

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State Secretary of the Federal Foreign Office Miguel Berger visits the CoE

State Secretary of the German Federal Foreign Office, Miguel Berger, visited the office of the European Centre of Excellence for Civilian Crisis Management in Berlin.

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  • Interview

WELT-SICHTEN - „Leute mit der richtigen Haltung“

Founding Director of the CoE Volker Jacoby explains the reasons why the Centre was created and the main tasks of the CoE in an interview with Welt-Sichten

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  • Press release

Member States strengthen civilian CSDP: Centre of Excellence opens in Berlin

The European External Action Service welcomes the opening of our Centre.

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Official Opening of the European Centre of Excellence for Civilian Crisis Management (CoE)

The European Centre of Excellence for Civilian Crisis Management (CoE) officially opened its doors on 17 September 2020.

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