Welcome to the CoE Knowledge Hub!

The Knowledge Hub is a unique pool of resources focusing civilian crisis management. It offers policy and research papers, analyses, reports, recommendations as well as media files and links to relevant other websites or platforms. CoE expertise is accessible in the protected part of the Hub.
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    • National Systems and Frameworks of Secondment

    Civilian Crisis Management – the Finnish Model

    On this CMC Finland page, you will find a comprehensive list of government documents on policy and strategy as well as legislation that make up Finland’s framework for civilian crisis management. Additionally, other important arrangements relating to the budget and decision-making are explained. The model is the basis for all Finnish engagements in international civilian crisis management missions and operations including civilian CSDP missions where Finland is a major contributor.
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    • Civilian CSDP Missions
    • Knowledge Management
    • Training

    Knowledge Management Training at EUCAP Somalia

    These resources were prepared for EUCAP Somalia for a training on Knowledge Management (KM) attended by both mission staff and local partners. Seen as a success story by the mission, it has increased sustainability of missions' initiatives as local partners were able to build on the training. The resources will be of interest to any mission looking to improve or establish knowledge management, or even to engage with partners on the subject.
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    • Civilian CSDP Compact

    The New Civilian CSDP Compact - Food for Impact

    This book, a joint publication between the European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) EUISS and the European Centre of Excellence for Civilian Crisis Management (CoE), presents 38 contributions from EU civilian crisis management experts, which fed into the policymaking process leading to the adoption of the new Civilian CSDP Compact in May 2023.
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    • Civilian CSDP - JHA Cooperation
    • National Systems and Frameworks of Secondment

    Maximising the Internal Security Benefits of International Police Missions: What Works

    This report presents a range of good practices employed by states to maximize the benefits of mission participation to police institutions and serve internal security objectives when making officers available. It also aims to inform discussions around ongoing efforts to develop the roadmap towards the Civilian Compact 2.0 by EU Member States (EUMS).
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    • Climate and Security

    Climate Fragility Programming: Resource Guide

    This resource guide has been developed by the US Department of State and the US Agency for International Development to support those working on conflict prevention and stabilisation in understanding the risks that climate change poses in this realm. The guide aims at helping its audience to utilise lessons learned and best practices from peacebuilding, conflict prevention and climate resilience initiatives, as well as enhancing the effectiveness of conflict prevention and stabilisation programming.
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    • Women, Peace and Security

    How to Increase the Representation of Women in Civilian CSDP Missions: Compilation of Experiences and Good practices

    In 2021, the informal NIP Cluster led by Finland and Spain and supported by the European Centre of Excellence for Civilian Crisis Management (CoE), organised a series of virtual workshops where Member States and EU institutions presented examples of national and EU policies and practices to ensure equal opportunities for women and men seconded to in civilian CSDP missions and to improve gender balance. This compilation of recommendations and actions is an outcome of those workshops.
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    • Climate and Security
    • National Systems and Frameworks of Secondment

    Guidance Document: Secondments of Environmental Advisors to Civilian CSDP Missions

    The following document provides guidance on the process of secondments of environmental advisors. It incorporates key take-aways from CoE and Cluster workshops and other products, including guidance documents and factsheets. The CoE stands ready to support its members every step of the way through advice, consultation, and provision of tailored solutions.
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    • Strategic Communication

    Concept Paper: Faces of Civilian CSDP

    Personal (success) stories give civilian CSDP Missions a face and a voice. This concept paper includes tangible suggestions and good practice examples of EU Member States and civilian CSDP Missions and provides guidance on how to create and disseminate personal (success) stories and integrate them into communication strategies for civilian CSDP. As a service-provider for its members, the CoE stands ready to provide tailored support to members when it comes to creating individual personal success stories in the form of, for example, videos, testimonial posts or interviews.
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    • Women, Peace and Security

    Workshop Report: Work-life balance and other factors affecting women’s participation in civilian CSDP missions

    On 8 October 2021, the third Cluster 5 virtual workshop on women’s participation in civilian CSDP Missions was held focusing on work-life balance in civilian crisis management missions. It explored some of the challenges of reconciling work, private and family life, which has been identified as a barrier affecting particularly women’s opportunities and choices to seek deployment in crisis management missions. Removing barriers and promoting conducive working environment affects positively the recruitment and retention of women experts. Studies have shown that policies and practices designed to encourage work-life balance can play an important role in attracting, motivating and retaining highly skilled and diverse experts.
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    • National Systems and Frameworks of Secondment

    Workshop Report and Presentations: Frameworks for Secondments​ of Experts outside Public Service (EoPS)​ ​

    You will find here the report of a workshop on the secondment of Experts outside of Public Service (EoPS) jointly organised by the CoE and the Chair of NIP Cluster 2. It summarises key takeaways, extracted from both the upstream analysis of member-states (MS) practices and the presentations and discussions happening in the workshop. Additionally, the presentations by the CoE, Denmark and the Netherlands are linked.
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