Maximising the Internal Security Benefits of International Police Missions: What Works

This report presents a range of good practices employed by states to maximize the benefits of mission participation to police institutions and serve internal security objectives when making officers available. It also aims to inform discussions around ongoing efforts to develop the roadmap towards the Civilian Compact 2.0 by EU Member States (EUMS).

While demand for officers to participate in missions is rapidly growing, the supply of available officers has stagnated or even declined. Several studies have demonstrated that one of the reasons is that police institutions do not yet fully recognize the internal-external security nexus and fail to fully maximize the benefits of seconding staff to international missions. This study, conducted in partnership with the Centre of Excellence, highlights how EUMS could augment the benefit of seconding officers to civilian CSDP Missions by actively engaging at the policy, planning and operational level.

Reference: Csordas, V., de Klerk Wolters, F. (2023). Maximising the Internal Security Benefits of International Police Missions: What Works. Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF). 


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