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The Knowledge Hub is a unique pool of resources focusing civilian crisis management. It offers policy and research papers, analyses, reports, recommendations as well as media files and links to relevant other websites or platforms. CoE expertise is accessible in the protected part of the Hub.
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    • Civilian CSDP Compact
    • Civilian CSDP Missions
    • Strategic Context of Civilian CSDP

    Report from the CoE Civilian CSDP Autumn Forum in Brussels

    On 27-28 October 2022, upon invitation from the CoE, representatives from 25 EU Member States (MS), SecDefPol, CPCC, ISP and FPI gathered to continue discussions on a new Level of Ambition (LoA) for civilian CSDP against the backdrop of the negotiations of the new Civilian CSDP Compact to be adopted in May 2023. You will find on this page the report of discussions and additional documents that were shared during the event.
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    • Civilian CSDP Compact
    • Strategic Context of Civilian CSDP

    2022 Council Conclusions on the Civilian CSDP Compact

    The Council Conclusions renew the Council’s commitment to civilian CSDP and highlight the importance of its missions in the current geopolitical landscape. It outlines the achievements made since the 2018 Civilian CSDP Compact and calls for a new Civilian CSDP Compact structured around four priorities: act rapidly and robustly, secure host countries and civilian CSDP missions against fast-changing threats, invest in more and better capabilities and partner with host countries, third states and international organisations.
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    • Strategic Context of Civilian CSDP

    Implementation of the Strategic Compass: Opportunities, Challenges and Timelines

    This report from the European Parliament was published in December 2022 to review the 51 of 81 deliverables of the EU Strategic Compass that were to be implemented by the end of 2022. General findings are that progress had been made on hybrid and cyber threats, defence spending by member states, use of the European Peace Facility, and international partnerships. Progress in the realm of civilian CSDP included development of the Rapid Deployment Capacity and broadening the network of human rights and gender advisors.
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    • Strategic Context of Civilian CSDP

    Youth Action Plan (YAP) in EU External Action 2022–2027

    The first ever Youth Action Plan provides a political framework and operational roadmap for a strategic partnership with young people in the EU's external action. Its main priority is to ensure youth ownership of EU external action and thus accelerate progress towards sustainable development, equality and peace, in line with international commitments such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development or the UN Agenda for Youth, Peace and Security.
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    • Civilian CSDP Compact
    • Civilian CSDP Missions
    • Strategic Context of Civilian CSDP

    Report from the CoE Civilian CSDP Summer Forum in Berlin

    On 17 June 2022, 21 EU Member States as well as EEAS- and EC-representatives gathered in Berlin for the CoE Civilian CSDP Summer Forum to reflect in an informal setting on the Level of Ambition (LoA) for civilian CSDP, focusing on type, number, size and geographical scope of civilian CSDP missions.
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    • Strategic Context of Civilian CSDP

    NATO and Societal Resilience: All Hands on Deck in an Age of War

    This policy brief discusses key concepts regarding national preparedness and resilience from a NATO perspective. By providing an overview of the European Union's proposed Critical Entities Resilience (CER) Directive, the brief lays out considerations with view to NATO's baseline requirements for enhanced national resilience.
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    • Civilian CSDP Compact
    • Civilian CSDP Missions
    • Strategic Context of Civilian CSDP

    Level of Ambition for Civilian CSDP: Past and Present in Terms of Type, Number and Size

    The Strategic Compass, approved on 21 March 2022, says that “we will further strengthen our civilian CSDP through a new Compact that will provide objectives on the type, number and size of civilian missions.” This paper aims to provide an informal baseline of past and present Level of Ambition (LoA) for civilian CSDP in terms of type, number and size in order to facilitate Member States’ informal and formal discussions on the topic as part of agreeing on a new Civilian CSDP Compact in early summer 2023.
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    • Human Rights
    • Leadership and Management
    • Strategic Context of Civilian CSDP
    • Women, Peace and Security

    Report on the Follow-up Baseline Study on Integrating Human Rights and Gender Equality into the European Union’s Common Security and Defence Policy

    This report assesses the progress made five years after the first ever baseline study on integrating human rights and gender equality into the European Union’s CSDP. Its purpose is to provide data to inform missions' and operations’ planning and review processes.
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    • Strategic Context of Civilian CSDP

    The EU’s Civilian Headquarters: Inside the Control Room of Civilian Crisis Management

    This is the first study to provide a comprehensive timeline and examination of the development and inner workings of Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability (CPCC). It analyses its creation, its primary functions as the HQ of the EU’s civilian crisis management operations, and ways for CPCC to grow and evolve. It provides a useful guide to understanding the command structure of civilian CSDP, the management and planning of missions, and areas for further development of the institution.
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    • Civilian CSDP - JHA Cooperation
    • Civil-Military Cooperation
    • Climate and Security
    • CSDP Partnerships, Partner Countries and Third States
    • Strategic Context of Civilian CSDP

    A Strategic Compass for Security and Defence

    The Strategic Compass, approved by the Council of the European Union in March 2022, establishes a common strategic vision for the EU’s security and defence and sets concrete and wide-ranging objectives to achieve these goals in the coming 5-10 years.
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