Welcome to the CoE Knowledge Hub!

The Knowledge Hub is a unique pool of resources focusing civilian crisis management. It offers policy and research papers, analyses, reports, recommendations as well as media files and links to relevant other websites or platforms. CoE expertise is accessible in the protected part of the Hub.
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    • Climate and Security

    Impact through Partnerships: How International and Regional Organizations Can Advance the Climate, Peace and Security Agenda

    These notes summarise the main takeaways of a workshop hosted by the CoE in Berlin together with four co-hosts as a side event to the Berlin Climate and Security Conference. Discussions among experts working on the Climate, Peace and Security (CPS) agenda focused on possible interorganisational cooperation and on the state of the agenda both in terms of resources and programmatic progress.
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    • Climate and Security

    Peace and Planet - An Analytical and Programming Framework for Climate, Peace and Security

    Climate action is a high priority for Danish development co-operation. The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs commissioned this Analytical and Programming Framework on Climate, Peace and Security in recognition of the need for strategic climate-oriented and peace-supportive action in fragile and conflict-affected contexts.
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    • Climate and Security

    Climate, Peace and Conflict - Mapping Linkages and a Path Forward

    The paper discusses the linkages between climate change, peace, and conflict and explores ways to address these issues through integrated approaches. It also examines some of the main principles relevant to actors working on peacebuilding and mediation support and provides some examples of effective initiatives that build on these principles.
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    • Climate and Security

    A new Outlook on the Climate and Security Nexus

    The joint communication by the High Representative and the European Commission acknowledges the ever-increasing risks to peace and security from both climate change and environmental degradation. The climate and security nexus impacts migration, displacement, pandemics and political instability. The document seeks to update and enhance EU’s external actions. After a risk analysis, it makes suggestions to mitigate them, calling for a more proactive and comprehensive approach within the EU.
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    • Climate and Security

    Climate Fragility Programming: Resource Guide

    This resource guide has been developed by the US Department of State and the US Agency for International Development to support those working on conflict prevention and stabilisation in understanding the risks that climate change poses in this realm. The guide aims at helping its audience to utilise lessons learned and best practices from peacebuilding, conflict prevention and climate resilience initiatives, as well as enhancing the effectiveness of conflict prevention and stabilisation programming.
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    • Civilian CSDP Missions
    • Climate and Security

    Operational Guidelines for Integrating Environmental and Climate Aspects into Civilian CSDP Missions

    These guidelines are a follow-up to the 2020 Climate Change and Defence Roadmap and aim to provide a basic toolbox for the integration of environmental and climate aspects into civilian CSDP missions. Their purpose is manifold: to raise awareness in missions, to optimise the use of resources and energy in missions, to integrate environmental security and environmental crime considerations into mission mandates and, in the long term, to provide host states with best practices in greening the security sector.
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    • Climate and Security
    • National Systems and Frameworks of Secondment

    Guidance Document: Secondments of Environmental Advisors to Civilian CSDP Missions

    The following document provides guidance on the process of secondments of environmental advisors. It incorporates key take-aways from CoE and Cluster workshops and other products, including guidance documents and factsheets. The CoE stands ready to support its members every step of the way through advice, consultation, and provision of tailored solutions.
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    • Climate and Security

    Climate Change, Peace and Security: Understanding Climate-Related Security Risks Through an Integrated Lens

    This free online training lays the foundation for understanding the interlinkages between climate change, peace, security, and social and gender-based inclusion. It provides participants with the knowledge and practical tools to conduct integrated analysis of contexts affected by climate change and insecurity, and to design policies, plans, and programmatic interventions to prevent and manage resulting risks.
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    • Civilian CSDP - JHA Cooperation
    • Civil-Military Cooperation
    • Climate and Security
    • CSDP Partnerships, Partner Countries and Third States
    • Strategic Context of Civilian CSDP

    A Strategic Compass for Security and Defence

    The Strategic Compass, approved by the Council of the European Union in March 2022, establishes a common strategic vision for the EU’s security and defence and sets concrete and wide-ranging objectives to achieve these goals in the coming 5-10 years.
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    • Climate and Security

    Factsheet: The Nexus between Climate Change and Conflict - What Relevance for Civilian CSDP Missions?

    This CoE factsheet outlines the links between climate change and conflict dynamics and highlights relevance of such links for civilian CSDP. This document is a useful starting point for anyone wanting to grasp the climate-conflict nexus and is especially targeted at practitioners working in the realm of civilian CSDP, whether in Member States, Brussels, or civilian CSDP missions.
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