The #SHEcurity Index 2021

This is the second edition of the #SHEcurity Index, created in 2020 to take stock of the participation and representation of women at all levels of decision-making in foreign and security policy, and of diversity in peace and security in general. The 2021 version has been enriched with data from additional sources. Furthermore, it includes a section #SHEcurity+ advocating for considering diverse experiences and marginalised perspectives when shaping (foreign) policy.

Based on data from the EU, its member states, the G20, and countries that have released National Action Plans on the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda, the 2021 report again takes stock of the percentage of women in the European as well as national parliaments, serving as ambassadors, in national armed forces and national police forces, in international missions, and in the boards of EU and US security and foreign policy think tanks. The key findings are:

1) The biggest challenge continues to be the absence of data. The most severe data gaps are in diplomacy, military and police.
2) The higher the seniority, prestige, and visibility, the lower the representation of women. An overall increase in participation is not accompanied by an increasing number of women in more senior positions.
3) Women’s representation differs depending on the area of analysis. Their participation drops significantly when comparing general participation with the defence portfolio in parliaments, ministerial positions, or the military.

The report is an analysis of an Excel database, containing 104 data sets, that you can download on the website #Shecurity | Peace needs women

Reference: Neumann, H., Mittelhammer, B., Schevchuk, S. (2021). The #SHEcurity Index 2021


PDF | 32 pages

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