The #SHEcurity Index 2020

Twenty years after the adoption of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security, the campaign #SHEcurity was launched in 2020 by MEP Hannah Neumann together with Women in International Security (WIIS), the Munich Security Conference & Southern Voice, the Allbright Foundation, German magazine CFFP and other organisations to raise awareness about the women in the field of peace and security. The campaign collects and analyses data on gender equality in foreign and security policy. Beyond yearly reports, it provides access to the full dataset behind the index.

The first edition of the #SHEcurity index takes stock of participation and representation of women at all levels of decision-making in foreign and security policy. One of its most striking findings is “the absence of data to actually measure these developments” (p.6). The data collected by the campaign (in a joint effort with the European Parliament Research Service, UN Women, NATO and others) reveals immense disparities regarding the progress made in different countries and in the following six categories: politics, diplomacy, military, police, international missions (including civilian and military CSDP missions) and business.

The report is an analysis of an Excel database, that you can download on the Website of #Shecurity | Peace needs women

Reference: Neumann H., Hopgood L. (2020). The #SHEcurity Index 2020. 


PDF | 15 pages

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