Sectoral Brief: Gender and Security

This policy brief on Gender and Security was prepared under the gender mainstreaming programme of the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE). It provides a comprehensive and concise overview of the EU’s main internal security priorities which include tackling terrorism and violent extremism, organised crime and cybercrime and highlights some of the main areas of gender inequality in the area.

Some of the main areas of gender inequality in EU's security policy include gender, terrorism and violent extremism; gender and cybercrime; under-representation of women in the security sector; lack of available, reliable data disaggregated by sex and of gender statistic; and securitising women’s rights.

The internal-external security nexus and the EU's equality and policy objectives at the European and international level are also addressed. The policy brief includes a list of useful resources and practical examples for mainstreaming gender into internal security. 

Reference: Guerrina R. et al. (2020). Sectoral Brief: Gender and Security, European Institute for Gender Equality.
DOI: 10.2839/278981. 


PDF | 32 pages

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