Implementation of UNSCRs on Women, Peace and Security in the Context of CSDP Missions and Operation

The policy document aims at ensuring gender mainstreaming and implementation of UNSCRs on women, peace and security in CSDP missions from their early planning to their conduct, follow-up and evaluation. For each of these stages, a few bullets point explain what to pay attention to.

Although this document is partly outdated, the identified points are still relevant for anyone interested in the inclusion of the UNSCR 1325 in various stages of an EU crisis management mission planning cycle. We can find for instance under “Operation Plan” this recommendation “A specific complaint mechanism and procedure should be set up. Where possible abuses in the mission or operation staff conduct have been encountered, mission and operation guidelines should also detail instructions on how to act further”. 

Reference: Council of the European Union, Political Security Committee (2012). Implementation of UNSCRs on Women, Peace and Security in the Context of CSDP Missions and Operation


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