How to Increase the Representation of Women in Civilian CSDP Missions: Compilation of Experiences and Good practices

In 2021, the informal NIP Cluster led by Finland and Spain and supported by the European Centre of Excellence for Civilian Crisis Management (CoE), organised a series of virtual workshops where Member States and EU institutions presented examples of national and EU policies and practices to ensure equal opportunities for women and men seconded to in civilian CSDP missions and to improve gender balance. This compilation of recommendations and actions is an outcome of those workshops.

Member States set up an informal working group, a Cluster, to come together to share experiences, good practices but also challenges in striving for equal representation of women and men in civilian CSDP missions. In 2021 the Cluster, led by Finland and Spain and supported by the European Centre of Excellence for Civilian Crisis Management, organised a series of virtual workshops where Member States and EU institutions presented examples of national and EU policies and practices to ensure equal opportunities for women and men seconded to in civilian CSDP missions and to improve gender balance.

This compilation of recommendations and actions is an outcome of those workshops.

Reference: European Centre of Excellence (2022). How to Increase the Representation of Women in Civilian CSDP Missions: Compilation of Experiences and Good practices. 


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