EU Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security (WPS) 2019-2024

This document is a working document of the EEAS for the 2019-2024 Action plan on Women, Peace and Security (WPS). It intends to turn into actions the council conclusions on the WPS Agenda.

The action plan focuses on six prioritized objectives to implement the Council's conclusions on the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda: participation, gender mainstreaming, leading by example, prevention, protection and relief and recovery. For each of this objective, a specific achievement plan is provided. It presents the detailed actions, the stakeholders involved in their realisation, a timeline, fulfilment criteria and fulfilment indicators.

Reference: EEAS, SG. Gender (2019). EU Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security (WPS) 2019-2024, EEAS(2019) 747


PDF | 17 pages

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