CPCC Report on Civilian CSDP Lessons 2018

This report from CPCC identifies structural issues civilian CSDP missions face, reports on the implementation of solutions and provides best practices in specific cases. It is based on input from missions and CPCC and is divided in lessons on planning, on the conduct of operation, on mission support and on horizontal issues (integrated approach, security, duty of care and more). Each section lists lessons which have been learnt in the first Compact and those that were newly identified.

Missions and CPCC worked together to compile this list of lessons that either are learnt or are still to be learned. Planning, the first section of the report, covers all issues that came up during the operational planning of a mission, its set-up phase, its transition phase or the eventual mission review. Important lessons that were already incorporated in the first Compact are the negative impact of frequent developments of new OPLANs after strategic reviews and the lack of methodological guidance in the planning and set-up phase. The implementation of SOPs to mitigate identified administrative issues during the closure of missions were still being worked on at the time of writing.

The second section, conduct of operations, focuses on the issues that are tied to the implementation of the mandate during a mission’s operational phase. While some lessons have been learnt, some police trainings were attended by unqualified participants due to structural issues within the host country police. This problem was yet to be solved. 

In section three, mission support, the assistance necessary for mission delivery is discussed. Solutions have been identified for, e.g., quicker procurement during the launch of a new mission together with a quick identification of needs. New lessons include the realistic mission budgeting. Missions should have an accurate idea of needed funds and should be able to absorb a high percentage of the approved budget. Indeed, some missions can absorb around 90% of their funding while others only absorb up to 70% of theirs because of multiple reasons analysed in the report. The reports states that it is important to not leave parts of the limited CFSP budget unused. 

The last section on horizontal issues discusses a variety of lessons that have already been implemented like the creation of a Code of Conduct and Discipline for missions. Important unsolved issues are connected to the integrated approach (i.e. a common understanding of it amongst missions and other EU-funded projects and the use of expertise of missions by other EU actors) as well as mental health support among other things. 

The report summarises the progress that has been made in the first compact in prior years on challenges and issues faced by civilian CSDP missions. Additionally, it names issues that remained after the first compact and provides some best practices that can be interesting for missions finding themselves in similar situations.  

Reference: European External Action Service (2019). CPCC Report on Civilian CSDP Lessons 2018. 


PDF | 23 pages

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