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  • Press release

Opening of the European Centre of Excellence for Civilian Crisis Management

The European Centre of Excellence for Civilian Crisis Management (CoE) opens its doors on 17 September in Berlin. International partners will work together to defuse conflicts through civilian means.

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  • Interview

MINISTRY FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF FINLAND - European Centre of Excellence or Civilian Crisis Management opened in Berlin

The official opening of the European Centre of Excellence for Civilian Crisis Management took place in Berlin today. Johanna Sumuvuori, State Secretary for Political Affairs at the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, participated in the opening, which was hosted by Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs of Germany Heiko Maas. The purpose of the Centre of Excellence is to help find solutions to international conflicts through civilian means.

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  • Workshop

Increasing Women’s Participation in Civilian Crisis Management Missions on the 20th anniversary of UN SCR 1325

How to detect and break the existing barriers that hinder women from applying, being selected and deployed to EU civilian crisis management missions? How to ensure that a mission provides an inclusive and enabling work environment where everyone’s potential is recognised regardless of their gender, and harassment is not tolerated? And what is, to this end, the role of the leadership?

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  • Press release

Quantum Leap for European Work Toward Peace

Member of the German Bundestag/Bündnis 90/Die Grünen parliamentary group / Spokesperson for Civil Crisis Prevention

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German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas cuts the Ribbon at the CoE

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas officially inaugurated our office on 15 September 2020.

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  • Interview

FES CONNECT - A new centre in Berlin to support EU-level civilian crisis management

Founding Director of the Centre of Excellence, Volker Jacoby, was interviewed by Konstantin Bärwaldt for the English language version newsletter of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung - FES Connect -. The article is part of the FES Connect September Issue, dedicated to "Shaping peace together".

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