Welcome to the CoE Knowledge Hub!

The Knowledge Hub is a unique pool of resources focusing civilian crisis management. It offers policy and research papers, analyses, reports, recommendations as well as media files and links to relevant other websites or platforms. CoE expertise is accessible in the protected part of the Hub.
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    • Strategic Context of Civilian CSDP

    Towards a more strategic civilian CSDP: Strengthening EU Civilian Crisis Management in a new era of geopolitics and risk

    This policy paper from SIPRI discusses the shift in civilian CSDP towards the Eastern Neighbourhood in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. It synthesises three strategic priorities to give civilian CSDP stronger political control and strategic direction, and to address key enablers such as capabilities, decision-making, and budget.
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    • Women, Peace and Security

    Women in Multilateral Peace Operations in 2024: What is the State of Play?

    This infographic looks at the data on women's representation in multilateral peace operations (UN peace operations, EU CSDP missions and operations, and OSCE field operations) over the period December 2015 - June 2024. It aims to monitor progress and improve transparency in order to inform the debate on the future of the Women, Peace and Security agenda and refine strategies to address potential gaps.
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    • Strategic Communication
    • Women, Peace and Security

    The Image and the Perception: Gender-Responsive Strategic Communications in EU Civilian CSDP Missions

    This article discusses gender-responsive strategic communications, the intersection of the EU's gender equality and strategic communications (StratComms) commitments in civilian CSDP. Given the limited overlap of these topics in civilian CSDP thus far, it examines existing best practices and challenges on this topic and provides recommendations for building mission capabilities therein.
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    • Civilian CSDP Missions
    • Evaluation

    Assessing the Effectiveness of European Union Civilian CSDP Missions Involved in Security Sector Reform: the Cases of Afghanistan, Mali and Niger

    This report is the result of an impact evaluation of the civilian CSDP missions in Afghanistan (2007-2016), Niger (2012-2024), and Mali (2014-). Tying together their findings, the researchers outline six primary factors undermining the effectiveness of all three missions and recommend practical solutions for current and future missions to enhance effectiveness. It provides crucial insights for both mandate development and implementation.
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    • Civilian CSDP Compact

    New Compact, Renewed Impetus: Enhancing the EU’s Ability to Act through its Civilian CSDP

    This SIPRI-policy paper reviews the first compact and how the new compact builds on the former. It highlights that the Member States did not deliver on their commitments in the first Compact regarding secondments while acknowledging the usefulness of the initiative. Three main commitments are discussed in this paper: increasing national contributions, raising the share of seconded personnel to 70% and promoting women’s representation. The paper concludes by making suggestions for the design of the review process of the new Compact. As a review, it is interesting for everybody who is working on secondment to civilian CSDP missions and on the implementation of a meaningful review process of the new Compact.
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    • Civilian CSDP Compact
    • National Systems and Frameworks of Secondment
    • Women, Peace and Security

    Delivering the Compact: Towards a More Capable and Gender-Balanced EU Civilian CSDP

    This SIPRI research paper examines the progress made in the secondment of personnel and representation of women in CSDP missions since the adoption of the 2018 Civilian CSDP Compact. Its analysis is supported by an extensive review of mission's human resources reports and gender-disaggregated statistics. Based on the current implementation of the 2018 Compact and its lessons learned, it provides recommendations for the 2023 CSDP Civilian Compact.
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    • Civilian CSDP Missions
    • Leadership and Management
    • Women, Peace and Security

    Women in Multilateral Peace Operations in 2022: What is the State of Play?

    This infographic looks at the data on women's representation in multilateral peace operations (UN peace operations, EU CSDP missions and operations, and OSCE field operations) over the period 2013-2022. It aims to monitor progress and improve transparency in order to inform the debate on the future of the Women, Peace and Security agenda and refine strategies to address potential gaps.
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    • Civilian CSDP Missions
    • Evaluation

    The European Union Training Mission in Mali: An Assessment

    This SIPRI Background Paper provides an overview of the European Union Training Mission in Mali (EUTM Mali) and assesses its impact on Mali’s conflict dynamics since it was established in 2013. The paper analyses EUTM Mali’s main training and advisory activities, before assessing its political and operational impacts. It summarises the main factors that account for the mission’s successes and limitations and makes three recommendations to augment the future impact of the mission.
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    • Civilian CSDP Missions
    • Evaluation

    The European Union Training Mission in the Central African Republic: An Assessment

    This SIPRI Background Paper provides an overview of the European Union Training Mission in the Central African Republic (EUTM RCA) and assesses its impact on the country’s conflict dynamics since it was established in 2016. This paper analyses EUTM RCA’s main training and advisory activities, before assessing its political and operational impacts. It summarises the main factors that account for the mission’s successes and limitations, and makes five recommendations to augment the future impact of the mission. .
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    • Civilian CSDP Missions
    • Evaluation

    The European Union Training Mission in Somalia: An Assessment

    This SIPRI Background Paper provides an overview of the European Union Training Mission in Somalia (EUTM Somalia) and assesses its impact on Somalia’s conflict dynamics since it was established in 2010.
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