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    • Evaluation

    CPCC Report on Civilian CSDP Lessons 2018

    This report from CPCC identifies structural issues civilian CSDP missions face, reports on the implementation of solutions and provides best practices in specific cases. It is based on input from missions and CPCC and is divided in lessons on planning, on the conduct of operation, on mission support and on horizontal issues (integrated approach, security, duty of care and more). Each section lists lessons which have been learnt in the first Compact and those that were newly identified.
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    • Women, Peace and Security

    Civilian Operations Commander Operational Guidelines for Mission Management and Staff on Gender Mainstreaming

    These guidelines aim to operationalise political commitments regarding gender mainstreaming in missions. Designed for CSDP civilian missions management and staff, they focus on integrating the gender dimension into the daily work of the missions.
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    • Civilian CSDP Compact
    • Strategic Context of Civilian CSDP

    Civilian Capabilities Development Plan

    The Civilian Capabilities Development Plan (CCDP) identifies needed capabilities and capacities to strengthen civilian CSDP and makes suggestions for their development by EU member states. It was published two months before the first Civilian CSDP Compact was signed in 2018.
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    • Women, Peace and Security

    EEAS Gender and Equal Opportunities Strategy 2018-2023

    The document outlines the main aspects of an EEAS strategy on gender and equal opportunities for the period 2018-2023. It elaborates on its priorities, rationale, objectives and suggested actions and means of implementation. It was developed to form the strategic framework for promoting gender equality and equal opportunities for all members, in all functions and at all levels of the EEAS. It can serve as an example for other actors, institutions and organisations looking for inspiration on how to develop frameworks of their own.
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    • Civilian CSDP Missions
    • Women, Peace and Security

    The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia: Special Annual Report on Gender Mainstreaming (2016)

    This report highlights the efforts made by EUMM Georgia in implementing the EU legal framework regarding gender mainstreaming in missions. Based on the analysis of practices, interviews and statistics between January 2015 and June 2016, it pictures the gender mainstreaming situation in the Mission and suggests steps forward to overcome identified challenges.
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    • Women, Peace and Security

    Report on the Baseline Study on Integrating Human Rights and Gender into the European Union’s CSDP

    The report is a result of a study conducted by the EEAS (Crisis Management and Planning Directorate) aiming towards a more systematic human rights and gender mainstreaming approach in CSDP missions and operations.
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    • Strategic Context of Civilian CSDP

    A Global Strategy for the European Union’s Foreign and Security Policy

    The 2016 Global Strategy (EUGS) is the strategic framework guiding the EU’s foreign and security policy. It replaced the 2003 European Security Strategy. All key CFSP and CSDP documents since 2016, including the Civilian CSDP Compact, draw on the Global Strategy and the five priorities it outlines for the EU's external action.
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    • Strategic Context of Civilian CSDP

    The EU’s Policy Framework on Support to Transitional Justice

    This document is the first strategy to develop and implement an EU policy on Transitional Justice. Its objective is to provide a framework for EU support to transitional justice mechanisms and processes and to enhance the EU’s ability to play a more active and consistent role.
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