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    • Career Path Development
    • Women, Peace and Security

    Case Study Report: Civilian CSDP Missions in the Career Paths of Women within the Belgian Integrated Police

    The report presents findings of a case study on incentives and disincentives of women employees within the Belgian Integrated Police considering international civilian crisis management missions as part of their career.
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    • Leadership and Management
    • Women, Peace and Security

    The Gender-Responsive Leader's Handbook

    This handbook is meant to provide guidance on skills for leaders in peace, security, and development work. In light of slow global progress on gender equality, it is important that those in leadership positions drive equality forward from the top. It is structured around five skills: Leading by example; Setting priorities and targets; Communicating clearly and convincingly; Managing staff, resources, and activities; and Holding oneself and others to account.
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    • Civilian CSDP Compact
    • National Systems and Frameworks of Secondment
    • Women, Peace and Security

    Delivering the Compact: Towards a More Capable and Gender-Balanced EU Civilian CSDP

    This SIPRI research paper examines the progress made in the secondment of personnel and representation of women in CSDP missions since the adoption of the 2018 Civilian CSDP Compact. Its analysis is supported by an extensive review of mission's human resources reports and gender-disaggregated statistics. Based on the current implementation of the 2018 Compact and its lessons learned, it provides recommendations for the 2023 CSDP Civilian Compact.
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    • Civilian CSDP Missions
    • Leadership and Management
    • Women, Peace and Security

    Women in Multilateral Peace Operations in 2022: What is the State of Play?

    This infographic looks at the data on women's representation in multilateral peace operations (UN peace operations, EU CSDP missions and operations, and OSCE field operations) over the period 2013-2022. It aims to monitor progress and improve transparency in order to inform the debate on the future of the Women, Peace and Security agenda and refine strategies to address potential gaps.
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    • Women, Peace and Security

    How to Increase the Representation of Women in Civilian CSDP Missions: Compilation of Experiences and Good practices

    In 2021, the informal NIP Cluster led by Finland and Spain and supported by the European Centre of Excellence for Civilian Crisis Management (CoE), organised a series of virtual workshops where Member States and EU institutions presented examples of national and EU policies and practices to ensure equal opportunities for women and men seconded to in civilian CSDP missions and to improve gender balance. This compilation of recommendations and actions is an outcome of those workshops.
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    • Strategic Communication
    • Women, Peace and Security

    Workshop Report: NIP Cluster 5 - Strategic Communication and Women's Representation in Civilian CSDP Missions

    Cluster 5 virtual workshop "Strategic Communication and Women’s Representation in Civilian CSDP Missions", held on 21 June 2022, combined two important cross-cutting themes of the Civilian CSDP Compact: increasing women’s participation in civilian CSDP Missions at all levels and strategic communication, which both have a dedicated informal Cluster working group to enhance the implementation of the Compact commitments. Strategic communication has also been identified as one of the four key areas of strategic engagement in the Strategy and Action Plan to enhance women’s participation in civilian CSDP missions 2021-2024 (14885/21).
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    • Leadership and Management
    • Strategic Context of Civilian CSDP
    • Women, Peace and Security

    Report on the Follow-up Baseline Study on Integrating Human Rights and Gender Equality into the European Union’s Common Security and Defence Policy

    This report assesses the progress made five years after the first ever baseline study on integrating human rights and gender equality into the European Union’s CSDP. Its purpose is to provide data to inform missions' and operations’ planning and review processes.
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    • Civilian CSDP Compact
    • Leadership and Management
    • Women, Peace and Security

    Strategy and Action Plan to Enhance Women’s Participation in Civilian CSDP Missions 2021-2024

    The strategy and action plan stems from the 2018 Compact commitment to increase women's representation in civilian CSDP missions. It defines expected outcomes and sets specific targets in a given time frame and identifies four areas of strategic engagement, accompanied by actions and means to monitor progress towards the set targets. It also includes a comprehensive overview of the state of play. The document is useful for anyone interested in the developments in women's equal participation and gender balance in civilian CSDP missions, but it's particularly useful for Member States working on policy-making and implementation on Women, Peace and Security and gender equality more generally.
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    • Women, Peace and Security

    The #SHEcurity Index 2021

    This is the second edition of the #SHEcurity Index, created in 2020 to take stock of the participation and representation of women at all levels of decision-making in foreign and security policy, and of diversity in peace and security in general. The 2021 version has been enriched with data from additional sources. Furthermore, it includes a section #SHEcurity+ advocating for considering diverse experiences and marginalised perspectives when shaping (foreign) policy.
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    • Strategic Communication
    • Women, Peace and Security

    Finland's Participation in International Crisis Management

    This map presents Finland’s participation in civilian and military crisis management. In addition to the informative data it provides, it can also serve as a source of inspiration for anybody wanting to develop visual communications on a state’s involvement in international crisis management.
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