The Implementation of civilian CSDP and other EU Security Assistance

With this resolution, the Parliament is seeking clarification on the role, ambitions, effectiveness and added value of civilian CSDP, which the new Compact should address. It also calls for a new Compact that is capable of delivering on the goals set out in the Strategic Compass. Key demands include the introduction of more robust mandates, improvements to the decision-making process and an increase in financial resources. The Parliament also mentions new issues which should be integrated into civilian CSDP or deserve a renewed focus.

The resolution, adopted by the Parliament, wants to see a clarification of the role, ambitions, effectiveness and added value of civilian CSDP and civilian crisis management in the new Compact. In Parliament’s view, an enlargement of tasks and the integration of numerous issues in civilian CSDP like human security, increased local ownership, Youth, Peace and Security, the climate-security nexus and more are appropriate considering new threats and risks. Additionally, the resolution underlines the importance of strategic communication which should be used to highlight achievements and benefits of missions for local populations and to recruit qualified personnel, especially women. 

In the resolution, the Parliament asks the EEAS to establish a Civilian Capability Development Process in which required capabilities and gaps in Member States are analysed and periodically reviewed. The promises of Member States regarding personnel that were not followed up on are critically mentioned. Lastly, the resolution states that, considering the ambitions of Member States and the EU, the CFSP budget needs to increase equally. 

Reference: European Parliament (2023). The implementation of civilian CSDP and other EU civilian security assistance. 


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