Factsheet: The Nexus between Climate Change and Conflict - What Relevance for Civilian CSDP Missions?

This CoE factsheet outlines the links between climate change and conflict dynamics and highlights relevance of such links for civilian CSDP. This document is a useful starting point for anyone wanting to grasp the climate-conflict nexus and is especially targeted at practitioners working in the realm of civilian CSDP, whether in Member States, Brussels, or civilian CSDP missions.

The factsheet is structured as follows: first, the relationship between climate change and conflict dynamics is briefly explained; second, the key potential pathways between climate change and conflict are presented and useful case studies that apply these pathways linked; third, the relevance of this subject for civilian CSDP missions is highlighted; finally, the factsheet provides a list of references and useful resources.

Reference: Mavrakou, S., Wellmann M. (2022). The Nexus between Climate Change and Conflict: What Relevance for Civilian CSDP Missions?, European Centre of Excellence for Civilian Crisis Management (CoE). 


PDF | 6  pages

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