Civilian and Military Personnel in CSDP Missions and Operations

This is the report of a workshop organised in 2017 by the European Parliament Subcommittee on Security and Defence (SEDE) to highlight trends, challenges and recommendations regarding personnel deployed in CSDP missions and operations.

In addition to the discussion's summary, a background note provides an overview on the challenges related to force generation, in mission treatment, training and follow up to crimes and offences perpetrated during deployment. Some of the identified challenges are still observed today: lack of centralised, single-sourced data on personnel in missions; absence or partial existence of CSDP dedicated budget lines; absence or partial existence of specific state institutions for the training and recruiting of staff, etc.

The authors make recommendations, such as “rejections by the EU of candidates selected for secondment by the respective national authorities should be always motivated” or “the establishment of an observatory in the European Parliament could pave the way to a better understanding of the EU experience on ensuring law enforcement in CSDP missions and operations”.

Reference: Creta, A., di Martino, A., Nemedi, M. (2017), Civilian and Military Personnel in CSDP Missions and Operations, European Parliament: Directorate-General for External Policies, Subcommittee on Security and Defence (SEDE).


PDF | 15 pages

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