An EU Strategic Approach in Support of Disarmament, Demobilisation, and Reintegration of Former Combatants

Disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration of former combatants (DDR) plays an essential role in stabilisation and building lasting peace. DDR is thus an integral part of the EU’s contribution to the non-reoccurrence of violence and to broader stabilisation. This joint communication presents the updated EU DDR policy, drawing on the Global Strategy, the Integrated Approach, and the new EU-wide security sector reform (SSR) framework. It proposes means to support DDR in affected countries and regions in a coordinated, conflict-sensitive manner and in line with international law.

Despite not being focused on CDSP missions but rather on the EU’s toolbox generally, CSDP missions are evoked: “In accordance with their mandates, civilian and military CSDP missions and operations should contribute to an environment favourable to a DDR process by supporting national and local actors. In addition to their direct contribution to specific DDR components, CSDP missions may contribute to long-term reintegration of former combatants that have gone through a DDR process by training and mentoring activities”.

More specifically, “joint disarmament operations within the framework of a CSDP mission and/or operation could be envisaged, if the Council so decides, in line with Article 43 TEU, in addition to contributing to UN-mandated or regionally and nationally-led initiatives”.

Reference: European Commission (2021). Joint communication to the European Parliament and the Council: An EU strategic approach in support of Disarmament, Demobilisation, and Reintegration of former combatants.


PDF | 15 pages

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