Welcome to the CoE Knowledge Hub!

The Knowledge Hub is a unique pool of resources focusing civilian crisis management. It offers policy and research papers, analyses, reports, recommendations as well as media files and links to relevant other websites or platforms. CoE expertise is accessible in the protected part of the Hub.
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    • Civilian CSDP Missions
    • Civil-Military Cooperation

    Civil-Military Coordination in UN Integrated Peacekeeping Missions (UN-CIMIC)

    This UN policy provides guidance on the role of United Nations Civil-Military Coordination (UN-CIMIC) in UN peacekeeping missions at the operational and tactical levels. UN-CIMIC is a military staff function that contributes to facilitating the interface between military and civilian components.
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    • Knowledge Management

    UN DPO-DPPA Policy on Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning

    This policy provides guidance for knowledge management and organisational learning in the UN Department of Peace Operations (DPO) and the UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs. It introduces core principles, lists available knowledge management tools, and defines roles and responsibilities of staff contributing to knowledge management and organisational learning.
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