Welcome to the CoE Knowledge Hub!

The Knowledge Hub is a unique pool of resources focusing civilian crisis management. It offers policy and research papers, analyses, reports, recommendations as well as media files and links to relevant other websites or platforms. CoE expertise is accessible in the protected part of the Hub.
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14 found - show 11 - 14

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    • Civilian CSDP - JHA Cooperation

    Workshop Report: Strengthening CSDP-JHA Cooperation. Harmonising Narratives to Bolster Cooperation within Member States

    This is the report of the first workshop out of a series of three CoE events aimed at improving CSDP-JHA cooperation. At the centre of this workshop were the EU Member States which took the opportunity to exchange views on good practices and challenges of CSDP-JHA cooperation at the national level. The report summarises recommendations for building a more harmonised narrative on the nexus between CSDP-JHA at the national level, and on aligning internal and external security agendas. 
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    • National Systems and Frameworks of Secondment

    Workshop Report and Presentations: Legal, Regulatory and Budgetary Frameworks of Secondment

    This report of a workshop jointly organised by the CoE and the Chair of NIP Cluster 2 summarises key take-aways that shall offer EU Member States a path to adapt good practices to each national setup. You will also find on this page the presentations prepared by the CoE, Finland, Latvia and an additional presentation by Sweden's FBA on their URA Agreement on Overseas Contracts and Guidelines on Employment Conditions in Service Abroad.
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    • Women, Peace and Security

    Workshop Report: Methods and tools for improving gender balance in Missions

    On 26 March 2021, the second Cluster 5 virtual workshop on women’s participation in civilian CSDP Missions was held in the context of the implementation of civilian CSDP Compact. Following up on one of the thematic topics identified for Cluster 5 in the first workshop in January 2021, the March workshop dealt with methods and tools to enhance the recruitment and deployment of women at all levels to improve gender balance in civilian missions. The main objective of the workshop was to share experiences and good practices especially in recruitment and selection processes both at national and EU institutions and in Missions.
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    • Strategic Communication

    Strategic Communication Model

    This Strategic Communication Model, produced by the CoE, includes guidelines and points to consider when developing a communication strategy for civilian CSDP. It can be used as a blueprint to be nationally tailored by EU Member States.
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