Romanian Ambassador H.E. Adriana-Loreta Stanescu visits the CoE

© CoE - The CoE team with H.E. Adriana-Loreta Stanescu, Ambassador of Romania in Germany
The CoE team and Director Volker Jacoby were delighted to welcome H.E. Adriana-Loreta Stanescu, Ambassador of Romania to the Federal Republic of Germany, to the Centre's office in Berlin yesterday.
During the visit Dr Jacoby gave an overview of the Centre's current work and priorities, as well as discussing the importance of civilian CSDP missions as a contribution to increasing stability in Europe and beyond. In conversation with the Ambassador, Dr. Jacoby emphasised the responsibility of Europeans to further strengthen state and societal resilience, as a way to increase the impact of EU external action. Commitment to supporting the mentoring and advancement of women in leadership positions within civilian CSDP was also expressed.
Ambassador Stanescu's visit coincides with the secondment of national expert from Romania, Ms Corina Zavate, to the CoE. Ms Zavate will serve as Head of Sector for Political Content and Focus Management. Dr Jacoby expressed his profound gratitude to Romania for the secondment of Ms Zavate, as well as for its ongoing support and commitment to advancing the work of the Centre and of civilian CSDP.
CoE Director Volker Jacoby extended the distinguished guest a standing invitation to the Centre to continue the fruitful exchange in the future.