Welcome to the CoE Knowledge Hub!

The Knowledge Hub is a unique pool of resources focusing civilian crisis management. It offers policy and research papers, analyses, reports, recommendations as well as media files and links to relevant other websites or platforms. CoE expertise is accessible in the protected part of the Hub.
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    • Evaluation

    Cycle of Workshops on the Impact of Civilian CSDP Missions

    This report presents the mains findings from two workshops jointly organised by the CoE and PCM.1 on the impact evaluation of civilian CSDP missions. The aim of the workshops was to draw on the expertise of evaluation specialists and to inform Member States about the next steps in the development of the evaluation methodology by PCM.1.
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    • Strategic Context of Civilian CSDP

    Strategy for International Civilian Crisis Management and Peace Promotion 2024–2028

    This strategy is a part of the governance of Sweden’s collective development, foreign and security policy. The strategy describes which objectives activities will contribute to and how. It also points out secondments of experts in general as well as CSDP with its missions as priorities.
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    • Strategic Context of Civilian CSDP

    Strengthening Civilian CSDP through Enhanced Application of the EU’s Integrated Approach

    The baseline document for the CoE’s Civilian CSDP Summer Forum 2024 provides an overview of the different actors involved in the EU Integrated Approach and illustrates good practices and current challenges with a view to the implementation of the Integrated Approach. The document examines all levels of integration - the national level (Member States), the level of the EU institutions and services, and the actors in theatre (missions and other stakeholders on the ground) - and offers food for thought for areas of improvement in the application of the Integrated Approach.
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    • Career Path Development

    Getting the Most out of Civilian Crisis Management Secondments – Findings and Recommendations for Experts and their Home Agencies

    This Policy Brief is based on CMC´s latest report, which examines seconded experts’ perceptions and experiences of how their home agencies view civilian crisis management secondments, and whether they have been able to make use of knowledge gained during their secondment.
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    • Civilian CSDP Missions
    • Evaluation

    Assessing the Effectiveness of European Union Civilian CSDP Missions Involved in Security Sector Reform: the Cases of Afghanistan, Mali and Niger

    This report is the result of an impact evaluation of the civilian CSDP missions in Afghanistan (2007-2016), Niger (2012-2024), and Mali (2014-). Tying together their findings, the researchers outline six primary factors undermining the effectiveness of all three missions and recommend practical solutions for current and future missions to enhance effectiveness. It provides crucial insights for both mandate development and implementation.
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    • Strategic Context of Civilian CSDP

    European Defence - The Future of EU Missions

    This policy brief by the Clingendael Institute frames the changing status quo of EU CSDP in the context of ongoing security crises. The authors discuss how the war in Ukraine, the series of coups d'état in the Sahel, and spillover from the Israel-Hamas war are affecting CSDP and recommend policy changes for CSDP policy and missions moving forward.
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    • Career Path Development
    • Women, Peace and Security

    Case Study Report: Civilian CSDP Missions in the Career Paths of Women within the Belgian Integrated Police

    The report presents findings of a case study on incentives and disincentives of women employees within the Belgian Integrated Police considering international civilian crisis management missions as part of their career.
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    • Civilian CSDP Compact
    • Strategic Communication

    Infographic on the 2023 Civilian CSDP Compact

    This infographic provides an overview of the 2023 Civilian CSDP Compact. It can be shown to people who are new to civilian CSDP and to those who do not know much about its foundational document.
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    • Strategic Context of Civilian CSDP

    Specialized Police Teams in UN Peace Operations: A Survey of Progress and Challenge

    This report analyses Specialized Police Teams (SPTs) deployed in UN missions meant for capacity building of local forces, in contrast with individually seconded officers and formed police units meant for enforcement. It first describes the benefits of SPTs in their results-focused capacity building, then goes into the challenges faced in their composition and deployment due to issues of supply, funding, and consistency before concluding with recommendations for the Secretariat, missions, and MS. As Civilian CSDP missions also move forward with Specialised Teams of a similar kind, the benefits, flaws, and proposed solutions for the UN provide good lessons to take into account.
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    • National Systems and Frameworks of Secondment

    Civilian Crisis Management – the Finnish Model

    On this CMC Finland page, you will find a comprehensive list of government documents on policy and strategy as well as legislation that make up Finland’s framework for civilian crisis management. Additionally, other important arrangements relating to the budget and decision-making are explained. The model is the basis for all Finnish engagements in international civilian crisis management missions and operations including civilian CSDP missions where Finland is a major contributor.
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