Welcome to the CoE Knowledge Hub!

The Knowledge Hub is a unique pool of resources focusing civilian crisis management. It offers policy and research papers, analyses, reports, recommendations as well as media files and links to relevant other websites or platforms. CoE expertise is accessible in the protected part of the Hub.
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13 found - show 11 - 13

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    • Career Path Development
    • Civilian CSDP Compact
    • Civilian CSDP - JHA Cooperation
    • Civil-Military Cooperation
    • Climate and Security
    • Knowledge Management
    • National Systems and Frameworks of Secondment
    • Research, Development, Innovation and Technology
    • Strategic Context of Civilian CSDP
    • Training

    Compact 2.0: Integrating Civilian CSDP into the Strategic Compass

    This paper outlines key aspects of civilian crisis management that should form the basis of what has been termed the Compact 2.0. The paper argues that this Compact 2.0 should, alongside the 2018 civilian CSDP Compact, meaningfully inform the emerging Strategic Compass (SC).
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    • Climate and Security

    Preparing the CSDP for the New Security Environment Created by Climate Change

    The analysis examines how climate change could affect the CSDP. It makes suggestions for the adaptation of CSDP missions and operations regarding early warning systems, conflict intelligence and foresight, equipment and infrastructure. The authors recommend mainstreaming climate considerations into CSDP mandates and raising awareness for a possible increase of necessary humanitarian relief and missions.
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    • Climate and Security
    • Strategic Context of Civilian CSDP

    Climate Change and Defence Roadmap

    The Climate Change and Defence Roadmap identifies concrete ways for the EU to be better prepared to the emerging security challenges posed by a changing climate. The overall aim of the Roadmap is to ensure that climate policy implications become an integral part of the EU’s thinking and action on issues such as defence research and development, industry and technology or infrastructure, as well as the EU Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP).
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