Towards a more strategic civilian CSDP: Strengthening EU Civilian Crisis Management in a new era of geopolitics and risk

This policy paper from SIPRI discusses the shift in civilian CSDP towards the Eastern Neighbourhood in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. It synthesises three strategic priorities to give civilian CSDP stronger political control and strategic direction, and to address key enablers such as capabilities, decision-making, and budget.

The article explores the evolution of strategic priorities for civilian CSDP in response to recent geopolitical shifts, particularly the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the hybrid threats faced by other countries in the years that have followed. It highlights how this invasion has shifted the focus of civilian CSDP to the Eastern Neighbourhood, enhancing the geopolitical relevance of missions in these countries. However, it also points out that while civilian CSDP has become more relevant, it has not necessarily become more strategic, as decision-making and actions remain ad hoc and reactive. The author identifies three strategic priorities for civilian CSDP missions: equipping missions to deliver on mandates, supporting EU candidate countries in the accession process, and enhancing the adaptability of missions.

The article further discusses the challenges and opportunities faced by civilian CSDP missions in all the different regions. It emphasises the need for stronger political control and strategic direction from EU member states to increase the preparedness and strategic potential of civilian CSDP. The document also calls for addressing persistent bottlenecks in areas such as decision-making, capabilities, and budget to ensure that civilian CSDP can effectively respond to crises and support partners. It concludes with recommendations for enhancing the strategic utility and impact of civilian CSDP, including increasing member states’ control and direction, strengthening Eastern Neighbourhood missions, and reviewing other regional engagements to consider redirecting resources to more geopolitically relevant commitments.

Reference: Smit, T. (2024). Towards a more strategic civilian CSDP: Strengthening EU Civilian Crisis Management in a new era of geopolitics and risk, SIPRI, Stockholm. DOI:


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