Peace and Planet - An Analytical and Programming Framework for Climate, Peace and Security

Climate action is a high priority for Danish development co-operation. The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs commissioned this Analytical and Programming Framework on Climate, Peace and Security in recognition of the need for strategic climate-oriented and peace-supportive action in fragile and conflict-affected contexts.

Climate change is one of several planetary and ecological crises. Considering of the interdependencies between climate change and other planetary crises this framework provides sobering analysis on climate security, as well as levers for action. In particular, ecological regeneration and ecosystems protection in fragile and conflict-affected contexts is seen as key to produce integrated results to tackle climate, biodiversity, soil, and hydrological crises.

The framework aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the ways in which climate, ecological and climate-related transition risks interact with conflict systems and fragility fault lines at planetary levels. The approaches are integrated and dynamic between analysis, programmatic design and delivery, and policy feedback loops regarding climate security. Since climate impacts are growing in scope and depth, peace and stabilization as well as climate actors should be equipped with updated conceptual frameworks and programmatic toolkits that provide best practices, and shape progress and objectives in the CPS field.

The framework supports climate, peace and security programming by identifying the analytical framework and the programming options available in the field to tackle climate, peace and security issues systemically. It is divided into five parts:

  • Section 1: Provides framing definitions and related concepts
  • Section 2: Provides a broad analysis on the climate, ecological and transition-related risks that converge in fragile and conflict-affected contexts
  • Section 3: Provides analytical guidance to underpin programming
  • Section 4: Provides sector guidance on climate, peace and security
  • Technical Annex: Provides programming guidance and technical tools for programming

The contents are of importance for CSDP programming and planning, since understanding patterns of wider climate, ecological and economic risks and how they interact with context is crucial to anticipate if and when shocks, scarcity and movement of natural resources may lead to structural fragility, destabilization, or violence. The technical annex can be used as a template for analysis for baselines and efforts needed for the CSDP missions.

The framework concludes that if the interactions within and between conflicting user groups are improved and natural resource management institutions are strengthened and made more inclusive, if sustainable agricultural practices, supply chains and markets are developed and if local ecosystems are helped to recover then communities’ ability to build resilience and mitigate conflict will be increased. Social cohesion and sustainable livelihoods and ecosystems are key components of communities’ abilities to respond to and recover from climate or environmental shocks and stresses in a peaceful manner, contributing to “climate-sensitive localised peace and stability”. These components contribute to the outcomes of strengthened community resilience and conflict mitigation and the impact of “climate-sensitive localised peace and security”.

Reference: Lazard, O. & Smith, A. (2025). Peace and Planet –  An analytical and programming framework for climate, peace and security. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.


PDF | 74 page 

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