Lessons and Best Practices of Mainstreaming Human Rights and Gender into CSDP Military Operation and Civilian Missions

This report comprises lessons on gender and human rights mainstreaming drawn from EU civilian and military crisis management missions and operations. Its lessons and recommendations continue to be relevant despite the report being a decade old.

The lessons and best practices are organised by thematic areas of operations and missions: their planning, their management, how to achieve results in the host country, the cooperation with other international actors in the field, the training of staff, and the staffing. Here is an example of a gender mainstreaming focused suggestion: “Crucially important for rebuilding the societal and political environment is the active participation of women and women’s groups at peace negotiation tables, democratisation processes, work of political parties and elections, in line with UNSCR 1325 […]. CSDP operations and missions should regularly meet with women’s group in order to hear their concerns, grievances and demands, with a view to integrating issues, as relevant and appropriate, into ongoing mission planning.” (p.10).

Reference: Council of the European Union, Committee of Civilian Aspects of Crisis Management, (2010).  Lessons and best preactices of best practices of mainstreaming human rights and gender into CSDP military operation and civilian missions



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