Implementation Plan on Security and Defence

The implementation plan on security and defence follows the EU’s Global Strategy (EUGS). It defines a “level of ambition” in order to reach the established objectives of responding to external conflicts and crises, building the capacities of partners, and protecting the EU and its citizens.

For implementation of the level of ambition, six areas are outlined in which concrete actions are supposed to be identified in coordination among EU member states, EEAS and EU agencies such as the European Defence Agency (EDA):

  • Identifying the related capability development priorities;
  • Deepening defence cooperation and delivering the required capabilities together;
  • Adjusting the EU’s structures for situational awareness, planning and conduct, as well as the rapid response toolbox;
  • Increasing financial solidarity and flexibility, as well as ensuing a more seamless range of funding options as part of an integrated approach;
  • Making full use of the treaty potential through Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO);
  • And actively taking forward CSDP partnerships.

Each of the six areas is elaborated upon with a total of 13 actionable proposals, such as “Action 2: EEAS to make proposals on enhancing the responsiveness of civilian crisis management, building on ongoing work in this area, including on the list of generic civilian CSDP tasks and identifying requirements needed.” The proposals are themselves detailed more precisely.

Reference: European External Action Service, (2016). Implementation Plan on Security and Defence.


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