Climate Change, Peace and Security: Understanding Climate-Related Security Risks Through an Integrated Lens

This free online training lays the foundation for understanding the interlinkages between climate change, peace, security, and social and gender-based inclusion. It provides participants with the knowledge and practical tools to conduct integrated analysis of contexts affected by climate change and insecurity, and to design policies, plans, and programmatic interventions to prevent and manage resulting risks.

The course has been designed to appeal to a broad range of policymakers, practitioners or researchers seeking to better understand the linkages between climate change, peace and security. 

The course is divided into three modules. Each module has specific learning objectives and features a mix of expert video interviews, case studies and presentations of the latest research on climate-security. 

  1. The first introductory module aims at building on and expanding existing knowledge of the interlinkages between climate change, peace, and security.
  2. The second module, on conducting integrated analysis, targets those who have expertise in conducting conflict, climate or gender analysis.
  3. The final module is specifically geared towards those who design and implement policies, strategies and projects related to peacebuilding, climate action or gender equality. 

Upon completion, course participants will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to analyse different contexts affected by climate change and insecurity, and design interventions to prevent and manage associated risks

The course is relevant for the planning of CSDP programs, and for experts working in the missions. It is also relevant for all CSDP actors to create an understanding of climate as a security risk.

The free e-learning course has been developed through a collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme, the Climate Security Mechanism, UN Women, the One UN Climate Learning Partnership and adelphi, in partnership with the European Union and the Government of Finland. 

It is open to anyone interested in climate related security risks. Anyone can complete it at their own pace as it is adapted to professionals with a full-time occupation. The course takes around 4,5 hours to complete, and a certificate of completion is issued.  

Reference: The One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership (UN CC:Learn) (2022). Course: Climate Change, Peace and Security: Understanding Climate-Related Security Risks Through an Integrated Lens | One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership 


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